096: Empowering Women: From Burnout to Brave Leadership – Healing Through Alignment with Jen Pestikas

Have you ever felt stuck or frustrated in your career and know you’re meant for more but aren’t sure what to do next? 

This is exactly how Jen Pestikas felt when she was climbing up the corporate ladder and was feeling burnt out, imposter syndrome and was self sabotaging. So, she decided to do something about it. 

Through alignment and self discovery, Jen founded Brave Women at Work, a brand with a goal to empower you to help you reach your highest career goals without sacrificing your happiness.

In this episode, we discuss Jen’s life, including becoming a mother and experiencing postpartum anxiety and depression, as well as her personal experience with burnout. We also touch on the importance of addressing mental health issues and seeking support. 

Self-care, intuition, and feminine energy can be key to overcoming burnout and finding balance in life, if you know the right things to do! 

Key Takeaways:

01:37 Pivotal Moments: Motherhood and Burnout

08:45 The Importance of Joy and Self-Alignment

10:17 Jen’s Journey of Self-Discovery and Purpose

13:18 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Lack of Confidence

16:38 Helping Women Navigate Leadership Challenges

23:34 The Power of Breathing and Connecting with Your Body

26:17 Identifying and Prioritizing Core Values

29:07 Listening to Your Intuition and Trusting Its Wisdom

32:08 Recognizing and Preventing Burnout

34:31 Embracing Feminine Energy for Self-Care and Self-Expression

38:46 Curiosity, Nurturing, and Generosity in the Journey to Self-Discovery and Healing

Who Is Jennifer Pestikas:

Jennifer Pestikas is a financial services executive with over 20 years of experience. Jen understands the necessary skills to make significant leaps in your career, including mindset, asking for what you want, the ability to negotiate, professional presence and more. In addition to her corporate work, Jen is now leveraging her experience with her personal company, Brave Women at Work. At Brave Women at Work, Jen offers individual and group career and leadership coaching for women. She helps her clients better identify their strengths, what they want, what is holding them back and how to remove these barriers so they can take bolder and braver action in their careers.You can find Jen online at bravewomenatwork.com. Please also connect with Jen on LinkedIn or listen to her podcast, Brave Women at Work.

Mic Drop Moments:

“I think motherhood has shaped me, softened me, made me different, better, more empathetic, more compassionate. I actually think I am a better leader.”

“Burnout is a real thing. Even though I do not believe that it’s still recognized by the medical community as an official medical diagnosis. I think they may see it as a symptom.”

“Joy is so underrated, right? You almost feel… It’s like you’re almost socialized to feel guilty for having joy and being alive, like you’re too much.”

“If you’re hesitating, it’s totally normal.”


Jen’s LinkedIn | Instagram | Website

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